With a really solid, 'toy town' kind of feel, the detail is superb. So now you can zoom in and watch those families squabble, gorge themselves on ice creams, and best of all, hurtle round your pride and joy - the rollercoaster.

And they've brought with them a topnotch 3D engine. So what's new? Well, Mr Sawyer has stepped aside, and in comes the man behind the classic Elite, David Braben, and his company Frontier. Make it look like a willy, or spell out a rude word - you can let your imagination run free. These are what really pull the punters, and you get to place every twist, dive and loop in the track, saving your designs for use in other games. When we say 'rides', naturally the coaster is king. This involves constructing rides, shops, restaurants, bars and toilets, linking them all together with paths, and then making sure it all doesn't fall apart or get buried under a pile of litter when the screaming kids arrive.

Essentially, you have to build an amusement park from scratch into the most popular recreation destination this side of Disneyland. The 'fresh' part is the problem, obviously, as the basic Rollercoaster formula remains unchanged.